Executive Chef Dave Pembleton

Eclair Dough

1 cup all purpose flour
4oz. butter
1/2 tea sugar
pinch salt
1 water
4 eggs

Put water, sugar, salt, and butter in a sauce pan, bring to boil, turn to a simmer, put flour in all at once, and stir with a wooden spoon, until forms a ball. Put in mixer at low speed and the paddle attachment, let mix at low speed. Add eggs one at a time until incorporated. Put into a pastry bag with the plain or star tube, and pipe cigar sized dough onto a parchment lined cookie sheet. Bake at 425 for about 15 minutes, and then at 375 until light brown with no egg tone. Let cool.

Pastry Cream

3 cups whole milk
1 tea vanilla extract
2 cups sugar
6 egg yolks
5 tbls corn starch
1 tbls soft butter

Place milk, and 1 cup sugar in a sauce pot and bring up to a boil. Beat the eggs, and cornstarch to a smooth paste. Add 1/3 of the scalded milk to the eggs, and beat lightly. Add the egg mixture back to the pot, and stir lightly. Do not walk away!! When the pastry cream is thickened, remove from the heat, and stir in the vanilla, and the soft butter, cover and cool.

Chocolate Ganache

1 lb. semisweet chocolate chips
8oz. heavy cream

Scald the cream and stir into the chocolate until shinny and smooth. Cut the pastry shells in 1/2 with a serrated knife, fill with pastry cream, put lids back on, then with a spoon, spoon some of the Ganache on the top. Enjoy.