Digital Marketing
Certificate program (Typically finished in two semesters)
Students will gain the skills necessary to create engaging and interactive digital content for communications and marketing. Students will explore the possibilities and limitations of digital marketing, and gain practical skills to meet the challenges of creating a personal and emotional connection with a brand, company, or individual in today's socially connected world.
This program provides the student the opportunity to
- Acquire the skills needed to develop an integrated approach to meet the current and expanding demands of the digital marketing industry.
The graduate of this program will be able to:
- Create engaging, fully integrated digital content using appropriate design software and social networking tools to accomplish marketing objectives.
- Identify and solve technical and aesthetic issues by applying critical thinking skills and problem-solving strategies.
- Develop skills to review and analyze digital media platforms and content for optimization and strategic development.
View Options: Required Courses - Required Courses / Recommended Sequence
Required Courses / Recommended Sequence
BUS-201 - Principles of Marketing, 3 credits
CAR-220 - Basic Photography, 3 credits
CIS-205 - Wordpress, 3 credits
COM-107 - Introduction to Digital Design Tools, 3 credits
COM-200 - Advertising, 3 credits
BUS-215 - Digital Marketing, 3 credits
CAR-203 - Advertising & Graphic Design for the Web, 3 credits
CIS-141 - Social Media, 3 credits
COM-105 - Writing for Audio, Video and the Web, 3 credits
COM-115 - Online, Social & Mobile Video, 3 credits
Total Credits for Degree: 30