Emergency Medical Services
Associate of Applied Science (Two year program)
The AAS Paramedic Program provides paramedic level training utilizing current and modern equipment based on the guidelines of the national standard curriculum as mandated by Pennsylvania State Law to competently prepare the student to pass both the national practical and written certification exam process and encountered by a field level street paramedic operating out of an ambulance, Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS), or mobile intensive care unit. In addition, the general education requirements will prepare the student for the many administrative functions which accompany the clinical provisions prepare the student for mid-management employment.
Contact the program director for information on TACKLE programs.
This program gives the student the opportunity to:
- To prepare Paramedics who are competent in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains to enter the profession. This program gives the student the opportunity to perform advanced life support lifesaving skills in the environment constantly encountered by a field level street paramedic operating out of an ambulance, helicopter, or mobile intensive care unit.
The graduate of this program is able to:
- Integrate comprehensive knowledge of EMS systems, the safety/wellbeing of the paramedic, the medical, legal, and ethical issues which is intended to improve the health of the EMS personnel, patients, and the community.
- Integrate comprehensive knowledge of pathophysiology, pharmacology, and management of cardiac, respiratory, and trauma patients.
- Integrate anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology in the management of obstetric, pediatric, neonatal, and medical patients.
- Safely and effectively perform all practical skills within the national, state, and local guidelines at the EMT-paramedic level.
CAAHEP Accredited Paramedic Programs and CoAEMSP Letter of Review (LoR) Programs track and report outcome measures annually to the Committee on Accreditation for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP). The most current CoAEMSP Annual Report for the calendar year 2022. The most recent success rate for the National Registry of EMT Paramedic/State cognitive exam was 67%. The most recent positive placement rate for graduates was 100%. Positive placement is defined by the CoAEMSP as 'Employed full or part-time in a related field and/or continuing his/her education and/or serving in the military'. Positive placement is measured at completion of the program. The most recent retention rate was 80%.