LCCC raises awareness about sexual assault
They wore teal to raise awareness. They educated themselves on the dangers of sexual assault. And, they saw messages from survivors. Luzerne County Community College students learned more about sexual assault during the national Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month in April.*
Throughout the month, LCCC hosted several activities for students designed to educate them. Throughout April, College officials partnered with the Clothesline Project and hung t-shirts on the third floor of the Campus Center in Nanticoke. The shirts were created by survivors of violence or by people in memory of those who experienced violence.
The color of the shirts represents the type of violence the person experienced.
The College hosted a Red Sands Project on April 17 where students gathered outside the rotunda to learn more about the dangers of human trafficking. Students placed red sand in the cracks of the sidewalk to represent no one ever falling through the cracks.
On April 24, the College held several activities designed to get students together, relax and learn. Organizers handed our information about the dangers of sexual assault to help educate LCCC students.
In between learning, students had the chance to relax with some canines courtesy of Pleasure of Your Company therapy dogs. The dogs were on campus during the event to be hugged and give kisses to those in need.
Additionally, students were able to have free ice cream and French fries, enter to win a raffle basket and enjoy an Esports free play day.
Students interested in other activities at LCCC can visit: https://www.luzerne.edu/academics/calendar/gencalendar.jsp