Title IX and Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment

If you are in immediate danger, CALL 911. You may also call campus public safety if you have security concerns (570) 740-0304. Report an incident by clicking here.

Except as provided elsewhere in the Title IX regulations, no person shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any academic, extracurricular, research, occupational training, or other education program or activity or employment opportunity available through a recipient that receives federal financial assistance. Luzerne County Community College is a recipient of federal financial assistance.

Luzerne County Community College complies with Title IX and prohibits discrimination in all programs and activities on the basis of sex.

Please direct questions, concerns or complaints related to Title IX to the Title IX coordinator for Faculty, Staff or Visitors: Kimberly Hogan, Director of Human Resources, LCCC, 521 Trailblazer Drive, Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 800-377-5222 extension 7363 (khogan@luzerne.edu) or the Title IX Coordinator for Students: Graceann Platukus, Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, LCCC, 521 Trailblazer Drive, Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 800-377-5222 extension 7243 (gplatukus@luzerne.edu).

The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is the division of the federal government charged with enforcing compliance with Title IX. Information regarding OCR can be found at: www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html.

Title IX Coordinator
Kimberly Hogan
Director of Human Resources
For Faculty, Staff and Visitors
Enrollment and Admissions Center (Building 5)
521 Trailblazer Drive
Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 18634
PHONE: 1-800-377-5222 extension 7363

Title IX Coordinator
Graceann Platukus
Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs (Building 5)
521 Trailblazer Drive
Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 18634
PHONE: 1-800-377-5222 extension 7243
EMAIL: gplatukus@luzerne.edu

Luzerne County Community College Statement of Non-Discrimination

Luzerne County Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities. For a complete copy of the LCCC non-discrimination policy, see the link that follows this section. Inquiries may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator, Kim Hogan, Director of Human Resources, LCCC, 521 Trailblazer Drive, Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 800-377-5222 extension 7363 (khogan@luzerne.edu). Direct inquiries related to accessibility services for students to the Section 504 Coordinator, Graceann L. Platukus, Ed.D., LCCC, 521 Trailblazer Drive, Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 800-377-5222 extension 7243. Luzerne County Community College has an open-door admissions policy. Admission to the college does not guarantee admission to academic programs or courses which have specific enrollment requirements. The College offers training and education in the health sciences, arts and sciences, and business and technology.

Luzerne County Community College no discrimina en base a raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, discapacidad o edad en sus programas o actividades. Para una copia completa de la regulacion de no discriminación de LCCC, consulte el enlace que sigue a esta sección. Preguntas pueden ser dirigidas al Coordinador del título IX, Kim Hogan, Director of Human Resources, LCCC, 521 Trailblazer Drive, Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 800-377-5222 extensión 7363 (khogan@luzerne.edu). Consultas directas relacionadas con servicios de accesibilidad para los estudiantes, favor de contactar a la Coordinadora de sección 504, Graceann L. Platukus, Ed.D., LCCC, 521 Trailblazer Drive, Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 800-377-5222 extensión 7243. Luzerne County Community College tiene un systema admisión de puertas abiertas. Admisión a la Universidad no garantiza la admisión a programas académicos o cursos que tienen requisitos de inscripción específicos. La Universidad ofrece entrenamiento y educación en las ciencias de la salud, artes, negocios y tecnología.

Title IX Policy

Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy

Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Complaint Procedure

Questions? Contact us..

Students, employees, or visitors who have questions about policies, grievance procedures, and individual rights or would like to report an alleged incident of gender-based misconduct, can contact the following for support:

Title IX Coordinator
Kimberly Hogan
Director of Human Resources
For Faculty, Staff and Visitors
Enrollment and Admissions Center (Building 5)
521 Trailblazer Drive
Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 18634
PHONE: 1-800-377-5222 extension 7363
Title IX Coordinator
Graceann Platukus
Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs (Building 5)
521 Trailblazer Drive
Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 18634
PHONE: 1-800-377-5222 extension 7243
EMAIL: gplatukus@luzerne.edu

LGBTQA Resources

Luzerne County Community College aims to create a safe, inclusive environment for everyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression. Accordingly, LCCC offers support, educational resources and advocacy for the members of our LGBTQA community.

Luzerne County Community College is an Equal Opportunity Employer