Safety & Security Department

Campus Phone: (570) 740-0304
Cell Phone: (570) 239-0128
Student Documents
Plans, Policies, Procedures & Reports
- Annual Security Report
- LCCC Emergency Response Plan
- Smoking Policy
- Protecting Restraining Orders Notification and Management Procedure
- Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Reporting Procedure
- Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse or Neglected Student Abuse
- Mission Statement
- Safety Hazard Report
Run-Hide-Fight!! Video
The City of Houston, Texas, Office of Public Safety, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security jointly released a video on surviving an active shooter event. The video details the key steps individuals should take when encountering an active shooter: "Run. Hide. Fight."" This is titled for the three rules individuals should be aware of in order to increase the chances of safety and survival in such a situation.
Please be advised that although the re-enactments in the short video may be alarming to some, its content is designed solely to help prepare viewers for such an emergency situation.
Flashpoint On Campus
Luzerne County Community College takes every precaution to ensure the safety and security of our students. The College Safety and Security Office, located in Building #1 next to the gymnasium (740-0304), is open to students on our main campus at all times, and security measures are in place at all LCCC dedicated, off-campus sites. As part of our efforts to ensure your safety and security, we are providing you with this 21-minute online training so that you can play an active role in ensuring your personal safety by recognizing warning signs of potentially violent behavior on campus. This training will make you more aware of signs to look for and help you understand how to respond to potential or real acts of violence. Thank you for joining the College in our efforts to keep your campus safe.