The Athletics program at Luzerne County Community College is set to return for the 2022-2023 year. The program will offer intercollegiate sports, including men's/women's cross country, men's/women's basketball, baseball and softball. Intramural sports will also be offered, starting with co-ed volleyball to allow all students an opportunity to participate in athletics.
The Athletic Department of Luzerne County Community College is rooted in the educational process itself. We are committed to providing an opportunity for students to participate in athletics and learn valuable life skills as a result of that involvement. Striving for success is a primary goal, but no more important as balancing academics, athletics, and other aspects of student life.

Luzerne County Community College competes in the Eastern Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (EPAC), and the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Region XIX. For additional information visit the NJCAA Eligibility Webpage at and Region XIX is comprised of 32 community colleges in eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and northern Delaware.

Reach out to the Athletics Office for more information: 570-740-0428 *