Applied Technology

Automotive Technology
Associate of Applied Science (Two year program)

The Automotive Technology curriculum is planned to have theory and practical experience combined. The student will acquire a comprehensive understanding of the theory and skills necessary to diagnose, service and repair automotive systems and components utilizing varied computer systems/technology. The student completing this program will be qualified for employment in the automotive repair industry as a line technician, fuel management specialist, transmission specialist, brake specialist, drivability specialist, under car/wheel service specialist, basic auto machinist/rebuilder, service writers.

This program provides the student the opportunity:

  • Learn the necessary skills needed to become a service technician in the ever changing automotive Industry.
  • Learn the skills to obtain a career as an automotive technician with exposure to a wide range of job opportunities in the automotive repair industry.

The graduate of this program is able to:

  • Communicate automotive issues successfully, both oral and written.
  • Diagnose, evaluate, repair and maintain automotive systems.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the technology and principles of operation in the service and repair of today's advanced technology vehicles.

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Required Courses / Recommended Sequence

AUT-101 - Automotive Electrical Systems, 3 credits
AUT-103 - Automotive Fundamentals, 3 credits
AUT-105 - Brake Systems and Chassis Repair, 3 credits
AUT-106 - Steering and Suspension Systems, 3 credits
FYE-101 - First Year Experience, 1 credits
MAT-103 - Applied Mathematics for Industry, 3 credits

AUT-112 - Fuel Injection Systems, 3 credits
AUT-117 - Specialized Electronics Training, 3 credits
AUT-130 - Rear Axle & Manual Transmission Dr Line, 3 credits
ENG-101 - English Composition, 3 credits
Elective - Health and Physical Ed Electives, 1 credits
PHY-103 - Physics for the Trade Industry, 3 credits

AUT-208 - Basic Auto Transmission, 3 credits
AUT-209 - Power Plant Overhaul Theory, 3 credits
AUT-228 - Chassis Body Electrical, 3 credits
Elective - Automotive Elective, 3 credits
Elective - Critical Thinking Elective, 3 credits
SPE-125 - Fundamentals of Speech, 3 credits

AUT-210 - Heating & Air Conditioning Theory, 3 credits
AUT-211 - Advanced Automatic Transmissions, 3 credits
AUT-220 - Electronic Fuel Injection Driveability, 3 credits
or BUS-253 - UNKNOWN COURSE (BUS-253), 3 credits
ENG-261 - Technical Communications, 3 credits

Total Credits for Degree: 65

Course Information (click on/mouse over the arrow next to the course number)