Business Management
Certificate program (Typically finished in two semesters)
This program prepares the student to apply principles of business management.
This program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
This program provides the student the opportunity to:
- understand principles of business management to real-world business situations.
- learn applicable skills to function as a business manager.
The graduate of this program is able to:
- prepare various business documents in a simulated business environment.
- prepare financial statements.
- exhibit professional ethical behavior in the analysis of real-world business situations.
View Options: Required Courses - Required Courses / Recommended Sequence
Required Courses
BUS-101 - Introduction to Business, 3 creditsBUS-201 - Principles of Marketing, 3 credits
BUS-268 - Legal Environment of Business, 3 credits
Elective - Business Elective, 3 credits
Elective - Quantitative Elective, 3 credits
ACC-110 - Survey of Accounting, 3 credits
or ACC-111 - Principles of Accounting I, 3 credits
BUS-209 - Business Communications, 3 credits
BUS-231 - Principles of Management, 3 credits
CIS-110 - Computer Literacy & Applications, 3 credits
ENG-101 - English Composition, 3 credits
Total Credits for Degree: 30