Health Care Management
Associate of Science (Two year program)

The Health Care Management program focuses on management and administration in the health care industry. The student will complete core business courses such as accounting, marketing, management, and economics, as well as courses specific to health care management. Health care management courses will give students an understanding the U.S. health care system, health care delivery within the system, management of health care organizations, and current issues in health care.

The graduate of the program may pursue a variety of career paths such as medical office managers in physician's offices, health care managers in hospitals, nursing homes, retirement centers and related facilities, health information managers, health care project managers and case coordinators.

This program provides the student the opportunity to:

  • Gain a foundation in core business concepts.
  • Learn about contemporary health care systems and management of health care operations.
  • Explore current issues and trends in health care.

The graduate of this program is able to:

  • Apply critical thinking to business scenarios.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of business principles through written and oral reports.
  • Describe the major components of today's health care system, contemporary medical practice, and resources comprising the health care delivery system.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the management of heath care organizations, and current issues and trends in health care as they apply to day-to-day operations.

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Required Courses / Recommended Sequence

ACC-111 - Principles of Accounting I, 3 credits
ENG-101 - English Composition, 3 credits
FYE-101 - First Year Experience, 1 credits
Elective - Health & Wellness Elective, 1 credits
Elective - Health & Wellness Elective, 1 credits
HCM-101 - Introduction to Health Care Systems, 3 credits
Elective - Scientific Skills Elective, 4 credits

ACC-112 - Principles of Accounting II, 3 credits
CIS-110 - Computer Literacy & Applications, 3 credits
Elective - Critical Thinking Elective, 3 credits
or Elective - Cultural Awareness and Diversity Elective, 3 credits
or Elective - Quantitative Elective, 3 credits
or Elective - Scientific Skills Elective, 3 credits
HCM-201 - Medical Practice Management, 3 credits
Elective - Scientific Skills Elective, 4 credits

ACC-213 - Managerial Accounting, 3 credits
Elective - Cultural Awareness and Diversity Elective, 3 credits
ECO-151 - Principles of Economics I, 3 credits
HCM-211 - Legal & Ethical Issues in Health Care, 3 credits
MAT-107 - Basic Statistics, 3 credits

BUS-201 - Principles of Marketing, 3 credits
BUS-231 - Principles of Management, 3 credits
HIM-120 - Medical Terminology, 3 credits
MAT-121 - College Algebra, 3 credits
Elective - Oral Communication Elective, 3 credits

Total Credits for Degree: 62

Course Information (click on/mouse over the arrow next to the course number)