Medical Assisting
Associate of Applied Science (Two year program)

The AAS degree in Medical Assisting is designed to build a sequence of medical-related courses to satisfy a specific skill for employment. This program is intended to provide a basic knowledge of the medical office and procedures that may be utilized in the physician's office. The skills acquired include scheduling patients, preparing patient records, managing financial matters, handling insurance arrangements, processing correspondence, and managing an office. Skills also include measuring vital signs, phlebotomy, electrocardiography, pulmonary function testing and laboratory procedures.

The student is trained to assist doctors and patients administratively and medically in physician's offices, clinics, and hospitals, laboratories or other health service areas.

As content and skills build within the medical assistant curriculum, courses must be taken in the sequence listed in order to receive an A.A.S. Degree in Medical Assisting giving students an opportunity to pursue a position as medical assistant.

A student enrolled in this major must receive a grade of 'C' or higher in those courses with the alpha-designation CMA and HIM.

This is a selective admissions program and students must obtain all necessary clearances and meet health related requirements.

This program provides the student the opportunity to

  • Understand medical office, healthcare facilities, and health insurance operations and procedures.
  • Learn the skills to assist administratively and medically in medical office health care facilities, and/or health insurance offices.

The graduate of this program will be able to:

  • Use, organize, analyze and evaluate health records according to established legal and accrediting agency guidelines and standards.
  • Compile, analyze, and present statistical and other health information for use by various health care professionals.
  • Preserve the security and integrity of confidential patient information while maintaining access to information by those authorized to use patient information.
  • Sit for the CMA.
  • Develop and maintain systems to prepare, maintain, and provide timely access to needed health information.
  • Follow ICD-CM rules and regulations and code accurately.
  • Use critical thinking and communication skills as necessary in the role of the medical assistant.
  • Engage in measuring vital signs, phlebotomy, electrocardiography, pulmonary function testing and laboratory procedures accurately and ethically.

Required Courses / Recommended Sequence

BIO-130 - Basic Anatomy, 4 credits
CMA-110 - Medical Assisting Clinical Procedures, 4 credits
FYE-101 - First Year Experience, 1 credits
HIM-120 - Medical Terminology, 3 credits
HIM-133 - Medical Office Procedures I, 3 credits
MAT-105 - Intermediate Algebra, 3 credits

CMA-120 - Medical Assisting Clinical Skills, 4 credits
ENG-101 - English Composition, 3 credits
HIM-199 - Pathophysiology With Pharmacology, 3 credits
or NUR-220 - Pharmacology/Pathophysiology for Health Care Professionals, 3 credits
HIM-233 - Electronic Health Records (ehr), 3 credits
OMT-119 - Keyboarding, 1 credits
PSY-103 - General Psychology, 3 credits

CMA-210 - Medical Assisting Laboratory Procedures, 4 credits
EMS-207 - Cardio-Pulmoniary Resuscitation (CPR), 1 credits
HIM-238 - CPT Coding Insurance Billing, 3 credits
SOC-101 - Principles of Sociology, 3 credits
SPE-210 - Introduction to Interpersonal Communications, 3 credits

CMA-220 - Ma Clinical Practicum & Review, 3 credits
HIM-239 - ICD-CM/PCS Coding, 3 credits
HPE-154 - Safety and First Aid, 3 credits
PHI-151 - Introduction to Ethics, 3 credits

Total Credits for Degree: 61

Course Information (click on/mouse over the arrow next to the course number)