Tutoring Services
Tutoring Services are provided by the Student Support Services Department at no cost.
Request Tutoring
In Person Tutoring
Tutoring is offered in most subjects. Our Tutors are current students who have achieved academic success in the subject being tutored.
To arrange tutorial services, register for an account. This is where you will be able to select a tutor based on availability. Upon your request, you will receive an email and text confirmation.
If you are seeking in-person tutoring for a class that currently does not have any tutoring days or times available, please email tutoring@luzerne.edu to discuss your options.
Online Tutoring

Free 24/7 online tutoring support through Brainfuse which utilizes a diverse pool of professional tutors.
Other tools available through Brainfuse: TEAS Test prep, ESL prep, SAT/ACT prep, Career exploration, Practice tests, Fun learning games and exercises, Spanish options available
Become a Tutor
Peer tutoring is an important and beneficial component to the overall academic achievement for many of our students.Tutors are paid $14.50 per hour. The hours are flexible and will be adjusted in accordance with the tutor's class schedule.
Qualifications to Become a Tutor
- Have completed the course with a minimum of 3.3 GPA (B+)
- Have an overall GPA of 3.0
- Have a flexible schedule
- Be able to work a minimum of 5 hours per week and a maximum of 20 hours per week
- Provide letter of recommendation from course instructor
- Be a highly responsible student
- Possess good interpersonal skills
- No prior tutoring experience is necessary
The Application Process
- Submit online application
- Submit a letter of interest which can be a simple paragraph stating academic and personal strengths.
- Submit one (1) brief letter of recommendation preferably from a member of our faculty or other college/university.
- Once hired, you will be required to complete the W-4 form, I-9 form and be able to provide original documentation for verification.
*You must be a currently enrolled student to utilize these services.